Actonians Cricket Club

Actonians Cricket Club event

Indoor nets - 22nd Feb at 8pm

22 February 2018 from 20:00 to 21:00 at Actonians Cricket Ground.

Cost : £0.00


Can you all please confirm that you can attend the indoor net session at Lords starting at 8pm. If you cannot attend then please let me know or click on the option to decline the event. This way I will know who is attending and who can no longer make it.

You have all received the invite based on the availability you provided to me.

If you click on the email stating you can attend and then do not turn up you will still be charged £8. Unless you inform me before the date of the net session.

Please don't forget to bring your £8 which will be collected by Pramod. If you owe £8 from non attendance from previous weeks then please also bring this along. 

Please note that full WHITES must be worn.

Can I also remind everyone to be on time and ready to start at 8pm.

Any problems then please let me know.



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