Actonians Cricket Club

Actonians Cricket Club event

Curryoke Night!

15 June 2024 from 20:00 to 23:00 at Actonians Cricket Ground.

Cost : £0.00

Dear all

Please come along to support the club next Saturday night at our annual Curryoke Night. This is one of our highlights on the year, with a curry meal followed by karaoke! 

Please click on the link below if you wish to come, if you wish to bring others who are not members please respond via email on additional numbers, for catering purposes.

Prizes will be on offer for the best and worst performances! Don't miss it :)

Date: Saturday 15th June
Time: From 8pm to late
Cost: £15 (including food)
Entertainment Value: Priceless!

Many thanks!

Actonians CC

Social Events, Fundraising & Sponsorship (SEFS) Committee

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