- Half Oval Lap - light jog
- 10 Lazy Leg Swings each leg (forward to back, side to side)
- 10 Squats/Squat Jumps
- 5 Forward Lunges each leg
- 10 Quad Flicks (“Katy Perry’s”)
- 10 Windmills on stomach (face down arms out, swing leg to opposite hand, tap heal to ground)
- 10 Russians (start in pushup position, heal tap to ground each side)
- 10 Crucifix on back (arms out, swing leg to opposite hand, tap heal on ground)
- 10 Arm Rotations each arm
- 10 Side Bends
- Complete Oval Lap - light jog (Forwards, Side to Side, Backwards, High Knees)
- 2 sprints over 20m @ 80% speed
- 2 sprints over 20m @ 100% speed. Different start positions and make it competitive
- Light throwing/catching drill to warm up shoulders
- 2-3mins to do own stretches - try to keep it dynamic
- 1-2mins for Hydration - Then into fielding/batting/bowling drills
Trent Conwell 2012 Designed in conjunction with:
Matthew Conwell
Strength and Conditioning Coach
Queensland Cricket, Cricket Australia