This document provides measures that should be taken by all players, clubs and officials, during and after all cricket activity at Actonians.
This document should be read in conjunction with the latest UK government COVID-19 guidance, with the updated ECB “Organised outdoor recreational cricket guidance for England in 2021. Version 1, Government Roadmap Step 2: 12th April 2021”, and the Actonians Nets and Training Terms and Conditions guidance.
Actonians Cricket Club has undertaken a risk assessment and risk mitigation measures have been put in place these will be monitored on a regular basis.
UK government social distancing guidance of 2 metres (or 1 metre + where this not possible) should be adhered to at all times.
Before arriving at Actonians CC
- Check for symptoms of COVID-19. If you are symptomatic and/or living in a household with a possible COVID-19 infection you should remain at home and follow UK Government guidance.
- Follow UK Government guidance on shielding and protecting people who are clinically extremely vulnerable from COVID-19 if it applies to you.
- Personal hygiene measures should be carried out at home before and after cricket activity.
- Bring your own hand sanitiser where possible and practice strict hand hygiene at all times.
- Follow UK Government guidance on public transport or car sharing.
- For advice on reducing the risk of infection when outside your home please visit the ‘Staying Safe Outside Your Home’ pages on
- Both teams are required to submit their team sheet with contact details of each player, official and responsible adult – this is to support NHS Track and Trace (details will be only kept for 21 days by our Welfare Officer).
- Food and refreshments will not be available – please ensure that all players, officials and responsible adults bring their own food and enough water/drink with them for the day and that it should not be shared.
- No delivery of food will be allowed as we cannot ensure its sanitisation
Arrival at Actonians CC
- QR codes are displayed on site for ‘Track & Trace’ purposes.
- Arrival should be no earlier than 45 minutes before scheduled start of play (although officials and nominated team players will be allowed access 1 hour before to set up the pitch and boundary)
- Please sanitise your hands on arrival.
- There is no access to the changing rooms - each team will be allocated a cordoned off area – situated at ground level (see Picture 1) for Boddington Gardens.
- Players should arrive changed and ready to play.
- At Boddington scorer will be situated on a designated area and must always maintain social distancing (see Picture 1)
- Access to the main building is strictly limited to the use of toilet facilities. (See Picture 2). The toilets will be available on a one in, one out basis. Face coverings must be worn in the Clubhouse and social distancing rules must be adhered to. The club has a “No Mask, No Entry” policy for use of the clubhouse. Directions are clearly displayed. Please ensure good personal hygiene including washing hands thoroughly after using the toilets.
- Car parking in the grounds is available but only to designated bays – (see Picture 3) Players should follow the designated walkways & follow social distancing.
- Please always arrive at a suitable time before the match and maintain social distancing during any warmup and pre-match preparation. The Gates will be locked upon arrival of all players.
During the match/activity
ECB guidelines for cricket activity must be followed at all times, this includes but is not limited to:-
- Players to remain socially distanced at all times (wicket keepers & slip fielders at 1m+).
- A ‘hygiene break’ will take place every six overs or every 20 minutes and will include hand-sanitisation for players and the home captain cleaning the ball.
- Hand sanitiser to be used at all breaks in activity and prior to any food or drinks.
- No sweat or saliva is to be applied to the ball at any time.
- Umpires are not to handle the ball at any point of the game, leaving it at the stumps during breaks.
- Batters to clean their bat when leaving the field of play
- Bowlers should not hand anything to the umpire
- Social distancing must always be maintained including during celebrations and breaks.
- The ball must be immediately returned to the bowler, not passed between players
- Limit the sharing of equipment, but if you do share, practise strict hand hygiene.
- Given the restrictions in use of facilities and limited outdoor cover in the event of rain then the game may need to be curtailed – we will try to play through – however player safety will be in the forefront of our minds. Please bring the appropriate clothing should the weather look doubtful.
Inclement Weather
We do not have any indoor shelter and have limited shelter under the pavilion canopy and in the event that play is suspended due to wet weather, please shield in cars (maintaining compliance with social distancing/travel rules) as there is insufficient outdoor cover from the rain under the canopy to maintain social distancing for everyone.
After the match/activity
It is expected that all opposition players, officials and responsible adults will leave as soon as quickly as you can at the close of play unless pre agreed with the Actonians representative. Please maintain social distancing whilst departing.
Please refer to the Association’s website for the current rules in relation to the use of the bar and other facilities at Gunnersbury Drive. These are subject to change. You may be required to book a table, and if you have not done so you may not be able to use the bar facilities.
Policies – Actonians Sport Club
Actonians Cricket Club encourage all participants to report any infection of their household firstly to the NHS Test and Trace system and secondly to the cricket club following use of the facility in order to limit the spread of the virus. Any participants who have been asked to isolate by NHS Test and Trace must not exercise outside of their own home or garden and must not exercise with others.
Whilst we are trying to keep everything as efficient and pain free as possible – ultimately we do have to adhere to the guidance we are given. Please follow the protocols, be respectful to everyone particularly the staff and we should all be responsible for each other’s wellbeing in these difficult times. Verbal abuse and anti-social behaviour, including ignoring the social distancing guidelines, will not be tolerated.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Blue square is the Toilet
Picture 3